Unfold and Experience the Enigma in the World of Toxicology

Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology expresses gratitude to all its elite panel of editorial board members for their continuous efforts, support and encouragement throughout journey of the journal, right from its inception in the year 2018 and congratulates them for making the journal achieve its goals and becoming successful and well-recognized broadcaster of scientific outcomes and perspectives from systematic inquiry into infectious diseases, medicine, and its related field.
Toxicology is the branch of science which deals with the poisons. It is also called as the science of poisons. Toxicology mainly deals with the adverse reactions which are caused due to the number of reasons like the increased dose, dosage alteration, dosage regimen, and other patient related factors. Toxicology is interrelated to pharmacology and hence we study it together as toxicology and applied pharmacology. Toxicology has versatile scope soon. Toxicology is the multidisciplinary branch which includes the environmental toxicology, systems toxicity, forensic toxicology, experimental toxicology and many others.
Clinical & Medical Toxicology
Clinical toxicology is the branch of science which deals with the removing of the poisonous substances or harmful chemicals from the body of any organism. Clinical toxicologists are the people who are expertized in the field of detoxification. Medical toxicology is a part of the toxicology and deals with the removal of the harmful toxins from the body. The poisoning may be intentional or unintentional, but the adverse effects may lead to the lethal damage to the organism. Both clinical and medical toxicologists play an important role in detoxification.
Food and Nutritional Toxicology
Food and nutritional toxicology is the part of toxicology which deals with the various food substances which cause the toxicity to the body. The food toxicity may be a result of the pesticides and herbicides used during the process of cultivation. The nutritional toxicity may also result in the toxic response to the body. Nutritional toxicology is a speciality that combines the backgrounds and research approaches of nutrition and toxicology.
Environmental Toxicology
Environmental toxicology is the multidisciplinary branch of science with links the environment and the toxic chemicals. The reason for the environmental toxicity is enormous and they may be the pollution which is of different types and the industrial waste. The harmful toxic substances released from the industries and the industrial waste result in the environmental toxicity. Ecotoxicology is the recent emerging concept in the environmental toxicology.
Industrial and Occupational Toxicology
Industrial and occupational toxicology is the branch of toxicology which deals with the various toxic agents and chemicals which are found in the workplace and result in the toxic effects to the individual. The industrial toxicologist monitors the safety of the employers and is responsible for the safety of the employers. The industries result in releasing a number of the toxic chemicals and the heavy metals which include the lead, arsenic, and many more.
Systems Toxicology
Systems toxicology is the science which is related to the different organ systems present in the body. The effect of toxins on the various organ systems in the body is summarized in the systems toxicology. This branch includes the Neuro toxicology, Nephr toxicology, Hepatotoxicology, cardiotoxicity, and the toxicity associated which the different organs of the body hence it is called as the systems toxicology.
Immunotoxicology is the branch of science which deals with the study of immune dysfunction resulting from exposure of an organism to the toxicant or the chemical substance. The immune dysfunction includes the immunosuppression, allergy, autoimmunity, or any other related response with respect to the immunotoxicology.
Chemical Carcinogenesis
Chemical carcinogenesis is the process in which the toxicant results in the causing of the cancer. Chemical carcinogenesis occurs in three major steps initiation, activation, propagation. The harmful effects of the chemical carcinogenesis is the onset of cancer of the various organs. The biggest cause of human cancer is the exposure to chemical and toxins.
Toxicological Testing Methods
Toxicological testing methods are useful for the testing of toxicity of the particular drug or the chemical. Toxicological testing methods are also called as the safety assessment studies which are used to test the safety of the drug. It is conducted by researchers using standard test procedures to comply with the governing regulations. Toxicological testing methods are the part of the pre-clinical testing procedures. The important methods include the In-vitro and In-vivo toxicological testing methods.
Risk Assessment
Toxicology and risk assessment is the branch of science which deals with the various measures and steps taken in the hazard management. The steps involved in the risk assessment are hazard identification, dose response assessment, exposure assessment and the risk characterization. The objective of risk assessment is to facilitate both scientific and data informed decision making and also to provide actual predictions of risk assessment.
Toxicity Testing Markets
The global in-vitro toxicological testing market is expected to rise USD 27.36 billion by 2021 from USD 14.15 Billion in 2016, at a CAGR of 14.1% Between 2016 and 2021. Toxicity testing of new compounds is essential in drug development, as identifying the potential toxicity at the early stage in drug discovery can save both time and development costs. The toxicity testing markets play a very important role.
Emerging Toxicological Concepts
There is a tremendous growth in toxicology and applied Pharmacology, the emerging concepts of toxicology include the Toxicogenomic, Toxicovigilance, Nano toxicology, and the toxic biomarkers. These are the various emerging concepts of toxicology.
Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology
Reproductive and developmental toxicology completely deals with the toxic effects which are caused during the reproductive and developmental stage of the foetus. Reproductive toxicology mainly deals with the various toxic effects caused by the toxins and other chemical substances which result in defects in the reproductive system. Developmental toxicology is the branch in which the accumulation of toxins during pregnancy and lactation results in the defects of the foetus.
Drug Toxicology
Drug toxicology is the branch of science which deals with the adverse effects of drugs due to misuse or overuse. To predict the adverse effects of the drugs this branch of science emerged as drug toxicology. In drug toxicology the various tests are performed in order to check the purity and safety of the drug. Deaths related to drug overdoses is also reported which is a result of toxicity.
Developmental Pharmacology
Developmental pharmacology and therapeutics is a broad field that includes the study of the drugs during growth and development and the effect of these drugs on development. Development includes the period of conception, foetal stages, neonatal and the childhood phases of development. New born infants are exposed to a number of drugs and chemicals via the transplacental transfer to the foetus as well as neonatal exposure in newborn.
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology is using Editorial Tracking System to maintain quality and transparency to the author in the peer-review process. Review processing will be performed by the editorial board members of the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology or by Reviewers (outside experts in the field). Two independent reviewer’s approval (Minimum reviewer’s approval) followed by editor approval is obligatory for acceptance of any manuscript excluding an editorial.
On the occasion of its 3 years, Successful Journey, Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology decided to provide a partial waiver on its article processing charges to promote quality research from across the nations of the globe to encourage the latest research in the field of Infections, Diseases and Medicine. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology also planning to release a special issue on its new approaches.
Mary wilson
Editorial office
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
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