Significance of Tumor Board in Patient care

Significance of Tumor Board in Patient care
Journal of Molecular Cancer (Pulsus) aims to disseminate knowledge and promote discussion through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality research papers on all topics related to cancer reiterates its commitment to promote systematic enquiry and explorations in various field. The Journal emphasizes high-level research and education. Original research articles, reviews, short communications, and letters to the editors in the fields of oncology are welcome.
The tumor board has an important role in improving the quality of patient care and progressively integrating more specialties, as well as molecular medicine, which could be included in the meetings. Tumor boards in gynecologic oncology have already been described in some previous studies and the potential to change the treatment plan reaches more than 40% of the discussed cases. Major changes regarding the treatment plan include change of modality (radiotherapy/chemotherapy/surgery) or addition of them and reach 10% of the cases . It is important to review the images, tumor stage, pathologic reports, as well as the available therapeutic options.
A multidisciplinary approach helps to understand the potential effect of each field on global patient health and to improve what is suitable. Discussions with oncologists, radiologists and pathologists optimize the treatment. Other specialists, such as psychologists, nutritionists and physiotherapists should also participate in the regular meetings. The gynaecologic tumor boards frequently discuss ovarian cases in meetings and possibly the discussion could improve the discouraging prognosis related to this neoplasm.
We are Happy to inform you that the Journal of Molecular Cancer and is under process of accepting the articles from the experts in this field.
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Julia Gillard
Journal of Molecular Cancer
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