Recovery Advantages of Transverse Skin

Recovery Advantages of Transverse Skin
General Surgery: Open Access is the newest contribution of Pulsus group towards the progress in medical science. Pulsus is a medical and healthcare publisher since 3 decades and received accolades from the contributors and the readers. At present, Pulsus Group is diversifying its publishing portfolio to other realms by incorporating all major Science, Technology, Medical journals as an ardent scientific publisher of open access and hybrid access peer reviewed journals. With a view to preserve, pursue, share and distribute scientific discoveries and knowledge, Pulsus health tech currently focusing towards expanding healthcare informatics and pharmacovigilence market studies of the current and future prospects of the global healthcare market.
The journal ‘General Surgery: Open Access’ is a budding journal and welcomes all types of research communications for open access window. It is dealing with a vast range of scopes and possibilities in the study of surgery and other operational deeds. The keywords, that comes under the scope of the journal are- elective surgery, transplant surgery, angioplasty, exploratory surgery, non-invasive surgery, laparotomy, radio surgical procedure, hip surgery , plastic surgery, laser surgery, microsurgery, dental surgery, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, rhinoplasty, and naive medicine.
Abdominal wall hernias are common. It has a prevalence of 1.7% for all age groups and 4% for ages 45 years and above. Inguinal hernias are more common, accounting for 75% of them. Ninety five percent of inguinal hernias are seen in males.1 Pain is the most common symptom, patients with hernia present with. Among those that had repair, 10% will have a significant wound infection or hematoma and 3% will have severe chronic pain. Surgery is the treatment of choice, although gentle manipulative reduction has been advocated to reduce the incidence of intestinal ischemia that may occur as a result of delay in surgical intervention. The latter approach has its side effects as ischemic or gangrenous intestine may be reduced into the abdomen, also reduction en-masse may occur. At least three fundamental distinctions in hernia repair can be made: Open vs. Laparoscopic technique;Tension vs. Non-Tension Repair Anterior vs. posterior approaches. Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures in general surgery. Over millions of hernia operations are performed each year in the United States. This makes inguinal hernia surgery an important area of research, not only for patients and their clinicians, but also for all authorities responsible for the health economics of any given population. Changes in repair methods over the last century have led to decrease in recurrence rates, and an increased concern for patient satisfaction. Although often considered a minor procedure performed as a day-case surgery, serious events do occur during and after repair and scientific research plays an important role in finding and analyzing uncommon events that occasionally occur. Due to the number of repairs performed daily, with added problems of poverty, ignorance, and costly transportation that negatively influence health care delivery in this part of the world, every recurrence adds an extra burden to the patients. Repeated surgeries for complications e.g. secondary wound closures, scar revision also increase cost for the patients and specific complications like testicular atrophy. Therefore, every surgeon should know and perform the recent and more successful methods in their daily practice and this starts by choice of appropriate skin incision. The choice of surgical incision in any part of the abdomen is determined by access. Other goals when planning surgical incisions are to re-establish soft tissue function and structural support and to give the most natural aesthetic appearance with minimal distortion after healing. It has been suggested that other parameters such as early recovery and complication rate may be influenced by mode of incision used (transverse or oblique incision). However there is little consensus in the literature as to whether a particular incision confers any advantage. Two common incisions for inguinal hernia repair are oblique and transverse skin crease incisions. Each of these incisions provides adequate access for surgery and can be extended when need arises and also permits subsequent closure. Postoperative preservation of functions of abdominal organs and respiration should also be considered. Additional considerations in choosing the incision are the speed of entry, presence of scars, possibility for hemostasis and a cosmetically acceptable outcome. Brown and Tiernan in their work
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Alex John
Editorial Assistant
General Surgery: Open Access