Pharmaceutical Technology-Open Access

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that reflects articles on all types of Drugs and Medicine. The journal welcomes submissions from all related fields of Pharmacy including advances in medicines.
Articles will be also considered from related analysis from Drug Metabolism, Drug Delivery Systems, Drug Interactions, Drug Therapy, Drug Addiction, Pharmaceutical Industry, chemistry. Submission of important articles containing advanced research output aiding in forwarding the subject are most welcome. The wide scope of the journal will aid in contributing a great measure of scientific information related to the advances in towards better healthcare.
How to submit:
Manuscripts can be submitted through the Editorial Tracking System or forwarded to the Editorial Office at
How we work:
We are using Editor Tracking System for easy online tracking and managing of the manuscript processing. Each article undergoes a peer review process under the aegis of an assigned Editor. To be acceptable for publication, an article should be positively considered by two individual reviewers followed by the Editor’s consent.
- After submission, an acknowledgement with manuscript number is sent to the corresponding author within 7 working days.
- A 21 day window time frame is allotted for peer-review process wherein multiple experts are contacted.
- Manuscript will be published within 7days of acceptance.
Media Contact
John Klein PhD
Journal Manager
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation
Whatsapp: +3225889658