Neurological Illnesses in Children

In poor nations, neurological illnesses are a substantial contributor to childhood and teenage impairment. These kids also have to deal with a lack of community programmes and aftercare, poor healthcare facilities, and poverty. In children's medical conditions, genetic factors, physical anomalies, and metabolic disorders all play a significant role. The main risk factors in the aetiology of medical neurological disorders are thought to be the absence of maternity care, poverty, infection, ignorance, insufficient immunisation, deficiency diseases, and poor living conditions in nations with limited resources. Due to a lack of reliable health information and awareness of these conditions, there is a dearth of knowledge regarding the incidence of neurological disorders in developing nations. The Department of Pediatrics conducted this retrospective observational study. The paediatrics department hosts a once-weekly paediatric neurology clinic. In addition to being referred by conventional paediatric clinics, children with neurological diseases also walk into the facility on their own. Every patient is given a comprehensive examination in order to get a diagnosis. A tentative diagnosis is made based on the patient's medical history and physical examination, and they are added to the paediatric neurology register. Age, gender, place of residence, and the reason for the referral are all documented in the register. Patients who need to be evaluated are looked at and treated as necessary. These patients experienced cerebral palsy and other epileptic disorders in a sizable percentage of them. The growing prevalence of seizure disorders may be a result of people becoming more aware that they are treatable medical problems. In our analysis, cerebral palsy was the second most prevalent neurological disease, affecting 26 individuals (19.5%), which is comparable to earlier studies. Many of the affected youngsters need specialised care, rehabilitative assistance, and collaboration amongst many disciplines.