Molecular Caner: Gene Targets

The Journal of Molecular Cancer is a broad-based journal found on two key tenets: To publish the most exciting research work in fields related to Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics : Second to provide a rapid and quick reviewing and publishing of articles for research, teaching and reference purposes. It is basically aimed at the Clinical Practitioners, medical/ health practitioners, students, professionals and researchers and professional bodies and institutions.
Molecular cancer has identified genes that are involved in the development of cancer. The Research combined diverse techniques ranging from genomics, computational biology,tumour imaging, Angiogenesis, Cancer Antigens, Cellular Signalling and Molecular Biology, Genetic And Molecular Profiling of Cancer, DNA Damage and Repair, Cell Cycle, Metastasis.
There are many different genes being researched for possible cancer therapies. Among the most studied are thep53 gene and the PTEN gene These genes are major regulators of the Cell cycle and other pathways involved in cellular and genomic integrity. By halting the cell cycle, these genes ensure that genetically damaged cells are not passing on that damage to daughter cells. The cell cycle may be paused and if the damage is severe enough, the p53 and PTEN gene pathways may signal for the death of the damaged cells.[3] Both the p53 and PTEN genes are classified as tumour suppressors because their pathways oversee the repair of cells that may replicate out of control with damaged genetic material, eventually leading to cancer growth if not kept in check.[4] Mutations in these genes are seen in more than half of human cancers.[2]
The Proteins produced by these genes may serve as targets for novel chemotropy drugs and other cancer treatments, or imaging scans. Scientists use a range of techniques to validate the role of the novel candidate genes in the development of cancer. The ultimate aim is to translate these findings into improved treatment options for cancer patients.
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Julia Gillard
Managing Editor
Journal of Molecular Cancer
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