Inviting you to join as a reviewer to our esteemed journal- Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology


Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology (1983-8905) is a peer reviewed open access journal. This scientific journal aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on the current developments in the field of Phlebology and Lymphology. The emphasis will be on publishing quality papers rapidly and making them available to researchers worldwide at no cost.

Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology is devoted entirely to function, mechanism, pathology of Lymphatic system and venous diseases. The journal keeps interventionalists, phlebologists, wound care specialists that treat acute, chronic and emergency wounds, and allied health professionals up-to-date by providing novel and authoritative information about experimental, clinical and basic science, medical research and clinical studies on a variety of Lymphatic system and diseases of the veins.

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Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology is cordially inviting you to join as a reviewer to our journal. We will appreciate them with the Reviewer certificate.

Qualifications to be a journal reviewer:

There are no specific qualifications needed to be a reviewer, but most reviewers will have a PhD. You certainly need to be able to prove you know the field of study well enough to be able to assess the novelty, quality, impact and importance of the research.

If you have never been a reviewer before, we strongly recommend you look at a free course on becoming a peer reviewer, offered by our partner

Below are the responsibilities of Reviewers:

Confidentiality: Reviewers should not share any information from an assigned manuscript with outsiders without the prior permission from the Editor or preserve the data from an assigned manuscript.

Competence: Reviewer with fair expertise should complete the review. Assigned Reviewer with inadequate expertise should feel responsible and may decline the review as it is presumed that reviewer will be an expert in the respective field.

Constructive assessment: Reviewer comments should appreciate positive aspects of the work, identify negative aspects constructively, and indicate the enhancement needed. A reviewer should explain and support his or her judgment clearly enough that Editors and Authors can understand the basis of the comments. The reviewer should ensure that an observation or argument that has been previously reported be accompanied by a relevant citation and should immediately alert the Editor when he or she becomes aware of duplicate publication. A reviewer should not use any kind of abusive language while commenting on an article. Judgment of each article should be done without any bias and personal interest by the assigned reviewer.

Impartiality and Integrity: Reviewer’s decision should solely depend on scientific merit, relevance to the subject, scope of the journal rather than financial, racial, ethnic origin etc., of the authors.

Disclosure of conflict of interest: To the extent feasible, the reviewer should minimize the conflict of interest. In such situation, reviewer should notify the editor describing the conflict of interest.

Timeliness and responsiveness: Reviewers should morally abide to provide the review comments within the stipulated time and be active enough in responding to the queries raised by the editor if any.

Impartiality and Integrity: Reviewer’s decision should solely depend on scientific merit, relevance to the subject, scope of the journal rather than financial, racial, ethnic origin etc., of the authors.

Disclosure of conflict of interest: To the extent feasible, the reviewer should minimize the conflict of interest. In such situation, reviewer should notify the editor describing the conflict of interest.

Timeliness and responsiveness: Reviewers should morally abide to provide the review comments within the stipulated time and be active enough in responding to the queries raised by the editor if any.

Media Contact:
John Mathews
Journal Manager
Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology
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