Exploring Toxicological Mysteries for better life

Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology Research, a peer reviewed, Open Access Journal provides an open platform for eminent scientists around the globe to publish their scholarly work in field related to organism association with their ecological niche and effects incurred by various deleterious toxic substances to organism and their effects at each level of ecological hierarchy. Various regulatory approaches for toxic chemicals management are included in scope of Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology Research.
The Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology Research is open access publication that documents and disseminates biological, industrial, clinical, and technological toxins that may affect the environment in various ways. The main motto of the journal is to provide a platform for the environmental scientists, NGOs, activists and the organizations engaged in environmental research or the one that advocates toxic free environment to discuss the way the natural and manmade toxins influence environment.
The study areas of the Pharmacology and Toxicology Journal’s include topics that may minimize or mitigate environmental toxicity like Ecotoxicology, Bioaccumulation, Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs), Toxicants, Biomagnification, Computational toxicology, Toxicogenomics, Toxinology, Persistent organic pollutant, In vitro toxicology, Chelation therapy, Environmental Disasters and Modes of toxic action.
The Journal is effectively running in the second Volume which is an open access peer-explored diary which incorporates a wide scope of fields. The journal thus welcomes manuscripts that highlight on the recent developments on ecological and toxicological and its evolution, including Ecological Niche, Food Pyramid, Microenvironment, Ecological Pyramids, Ecological Succession, Biomagnification, Eutrophication, Bioremediation, Persistent organic pollutants, Radioactive wastes, Global warming, Climate Change, Human Ecology, Wind and Turbulence, Molecular Ecology, Biogeochemistry and Climate etc.
Realizing the importance of this field, Conference Series recently successfully completed the “Earth science and climate change Conferences (Global Earth science 2019)” which was held at Lisbon, Portugal on Nov 26-27, 2019. Theme of the Conference is Advanced Revolution in Earth science and fighting the Climate change. The meet has given an incredible breadth to connection of experts remembering for expansion to clinical specialists and top-level pathologists and researchers from around the world, on a solitary stage.
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology is using Editorial Tracking System to maintain quality and transparency to the author in the peer-review process. Review processing will be performed by the editorial board members of the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology or by Reviewers (outside experts in the field). Two independent reviewer’s approval (Minimum reviewer’s approval) followed by editor approval is obligatory for acceptance of any manuscript excluding an editorial.
On the occasion of its 3 years, Successful Journey, Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology decided to provide a partial waiver on its article processing charges to promote quality research from across the nations of the globe to encourage the latest research in the field of Infections, Diseases and Medicine. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology also planning to release a special issue on its new approaches.
Mary Wilson
Editorial office
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
E-mail: pharmatoxicol@eclinicalsci.com
Tel & Whats app: +1-947-333-4405