Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy is a diabetes complication that affects eyes. It's caused by damage to the blood vessels of the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (retina).
diabetic retinopathy symptoms may include: Spots or dark strings floating in your vision (floaters), Blurred vision, Fluctuating vision, Impaired color vision, Dark or empty areas in your vision, Vision loss.
There are two types of diabetic retinopathy:
Early diabetic retinopathy: This more common form of diabetic retinopathy called non proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) where new blood vessels aren't growing (proliferating).
Advanced diabetic retinopathy: Diabetic retinopathy can progress to this more severe type, known as proliferative diabetic retinopathy. In this type, damaged blood vessels close off, causing the growth of new, abnormal blood vessels in the retina, and can leak into the clear, jelly-like substance that fills the center of your eye (vitreous).
Manage your diabetes: Make healthy eating and physical activity part of your daily routine. Try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, such as walking, each week. Take oral diabetes medications or insulin as directed.
Monitor your blood sugar level: You may need to check and record your blood sugar level several times a day and more-frequent measurements may be required if you're ill or under stress. Ask your doctor how often you need to test your blood sugar.
Ask your doctor about a glycosylated hemoglobin test: The glycosylated hemoglobin test, or hemoglobin A1C test, reflects your average blood sugar level for the two- to three-month period before the test. For most people, the A1C goal is to be under 7 percent.
Keep your blood pressure and cholesterol under control: Eating healthy foods, exercising regularly and losing excess weight can help Sometimes medication is needed, too. If you smoke or use other types of tobacco, ask your doctor to help you quit: Smoking increases your risk of various diabetes complications, including diabetic retinopathy. Pay attention to vision changes: Contact your eye doctor right away if you experience sudden vision changes or your vision becomes blurry, spotty or hazy.
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Media Contact:
Sarah Rose
Journal Manager
The Ophthalmologist: Clinical and Therapeutic Journal
Email: ophthalmologist@eclinicalsci.com