Aims and Scope of the Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology

Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology is an Open Access peer-reviewed publication that discusses current research and advancements in diagnosis and management of kidney disorders as well as related epidemiology, pathophysiology and molecular genetics.
The journal covers a broad spectrum of topics for study that discusses theoretical and conceptual aspects of Phlebology and Lymphology. It deals with diagnosis and treatment of disorders of venous origin, venous thromboembolism, venous stasis ulcers, varicose veins and spider veins, capillary filtration, lymphocytes, radiotherapy, thrombophlebitis, Chemotherapy, Epstein-Barr Virus, are equally welcome.
The journal solicits manuscripts that discuss technical and medical advancements like telangiectasia, Lymphadenopathy and Lymphedema to address the issues and challenges in this field.
Contributors are welcome to publish high quality clinical, and laboratory research as case series, reviews, guidelines, techniques, and practices. Manuscripts that mitigate social stigma, and offers emotional support to the patients undergoing and Phebological and lymphological stress and strain are solicited.
The journal fulfils the following functions:
- Encourages the scientific study of quality improvement by publication of relevant research
- Charts the development of local, national and international quality systems
- Creates and supports a community of people interested in quality improvement
- Acts as an ambassador for better patient standards and for quality generally
- Campaigns for important issues in quality and promotes best practice in quality improvement
- Acts as a resource for practitioners charged with leading quality in primary healthcare by publishing examples of effective quality improvement projects
- Debates and critiques health service policy relating to quality
- Provides a platform for international exchange
- Promotes a better understanding of patient involvement.
The journal is multidisciplinary. We publish high-quality academic articles, practical ideas based on relevant experiences, quality improvement projects, patient perspective articles, and international exchange of developments. Areas of interest include the organization of quality, clinical governance, clinical audit, patient safety, appraisal and professional development, quality improvement techniques, performance management, patient confidentiality, patient perspective, leadership, risk management, continuous quality improvement, management of underperformance and organizational culture. Details concerning the preparation and submission of articles can be found on the inside back cover of each issue and on the website.
Contributors are welcome to publish high quality clinical, and laboratory research as case series, reviews, guidelines, techniques and practices.
It is basically aimed at the medical/ health practitioners, students, professionals and researchers and professional bodies and institutions.
Journal announcing a huge discount on submission of articles on (or) before January 30, 2020
The journal accepting different types of articles including original research article, review articles, short note communications, case reports, Editorials, letters to the Editors and expert opinions & commentaries from different regions for publication.
Media Contact:
John Mathews
Journal Manager
Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology