Aims and Scope of the Journal of Food and Clinical Nutrition

Aims and Scope of the Journal of Food and Clinical Nutrition
Journal of Food and Clinical Nutrition is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes recent research developments made in the field of food science and nutrition biology. The journal provides an open access platform for the dissemination of the latest developments in the field of food and nutrition.
The journal encompasses a broad range of topics that include multiple aspects of nutrition, dietetics and their application in clinical nutrition, sports nutrition and public health. The journal specifically prioritizes the manuscripts that may further the advent and application of medical nutrition therapies for the treatment, management and rehabilitation of patients with one or more acute or chronic diseases.
The journal covers a broad spectrum of topics for study that discusses theoretical and conceptual aspects of Food and Clinical Nutrition like Nutrition and Food Sciences, Food Biotechnology, Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition, Obesity and Weightloss, Food Safety, Nutrition and Diabetes, Potato Nutrition, Nutrigenomics, Molecular Nutrition and Malnourishment. Applied research with practical orientation on Hygiene, Human Development, Food Safety regulations and Human Nutrition are equally welcome. The journal solicits manuscripts that discuss technical and medical advancements like Food Biotechnology, Mass Spectrometry in Food Technology, Biochemical and bioprocess engineering to address the issues and challenges in this field.
Advertisements in each of the following categories will be considered:
Pharmaceutical Advertising - Advertisements for prescription or non-prescription drug products, biological or natural health products.
Healthcare and Non- Healthcare Advertising -Advertisements for medical devices, non-pharmaceutical products or services provided by pharmaceutical Manufacturers, healthcare-related organizations and products.
The journal’s editorial manager system facilitates easy and smooth online submission, review and the publication status. The journal employs single blind peer review system for screening the manuscripts. Acceptance and publication of any citable manuscript requires consent from two independent subject matter experts followed by the final approval of the editor-in-chief.
Contributors are welcome to publish high quality clinical, and laboratory research as case series, reviews, guidelines, techniques and practices.
Interested persons can submit their respective manuscripts through Online Manuscript Submission System (or) email
Contact Details
Aaron Province
Managing Editor
Journal of Food and Clinical Nutrition
Whatsapp no: +15046082390